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http://www.100md.com 2011年7月5日 周锡环,彭光华,邱志勇,方建宁,杨必林,何光达


     [摘要] 目的:探讨经尿道等离子双极汽化电切术治疗良性前列腺增生的安全性和疗效。方法:采用经尿道前列腺等离子汽化术(TUPKVP)治疗患者153例。结果:患者年龄61~90岁,平均(70.5±7.1)岁,手术时间20~130 min,平均(70±24) min,切除前列腺组织重量21~125 g,平均(58±25) g,无TURS发生,术后随访3~6个月,IPSS由术前25.0±2.2下降至术后3.8±0.5,QOL由4.6±0.4下降至1.6±0.3,残余尿由(80.2±14.36) ml减少到(15±15) ml。结论:经尿道等离子双极汽化电切术的术中、术后出血少,是一种安全性高、并发症少、疗效确切的方法。

    [关键词] 前列腺增生;双极汽化电切;安全性;经尿道

    [中图分类号] R697.32 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1674-4721(2011)07(a)-026-02

    Transure thal plasmakinetic vaporization of prostate for treatment in benign prostatie hyperplasia

    ZHOU Xihuan, PENG Guanghua, QIU Zhiyong, FANG Jianning, YANG Bilin, HE Guangda

    Department of Urology, the People′s Hospital of Huidong County, Guangdong Province, Huidong 516300, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the satety and efficacy of transurethral plasmakinetic resection in prostate. Methods: 153 patients with symptomatic BPH were treated by TUPKVP. Results: Patients age of 61 to 90 years, average (70.5±7.1) years old, operation time 20 to 130 min, average (70±24) min, resection of prostate tissue mass 21 to 125 g, average (58±25) g, no TURS occurred. All patients were followed up for 3-6 month postoperatively. The IPSS decreased from25.0±2.2 to3.8±0.5. The QOL decreased from 4.6±0.4 to 1.6±0.3. Residual urine volume decreased from (80.20±14.36) ml to (15±15) ml. Conclusion: Transurethral plasma bipolar vaporization electricity cut method perioperative and postoperative less bleeding, is a kind of high safety, fewer complications, and the method of definite effect.

    [Key words] Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Transurethral plasmakinetic resection of prostate; Safety; Transurethral


    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料

    本组患者153例,年龄61~90岁,平均(70.5±7.1)岁,所有患者均有下尿路梗阻症状,绝大多数有反复尿潴留病史,根据IPSS、QOL、前列腺指检、BUS 、PSA及部分尿动力学检查、MR诊断BPH;前列腺重量W=1/6×π×左右径×前后径×上下径计算[1],为45~150 g,平均(64±25) g;IPSS评分25.0±2.2,QOL 4.6±0.4;Qmax 0~6 ml/s,残余尿80~120 ml,平均(80.20±14.36) ml,其中20例并发膀胱结石,65例并发不同程度的心脑血管、肺、肾脏疾病,糖尿病患者10例,脑血管后遗症患者3例,如疑为神经源性膀胱均作尿动力学检查排除,排除前列腺癌。常规术前检查,尤甚心肺、肾、脑血管的检查,作专科检查治疗稳定后再行手术治疗,术前使用爱普列特5 mg bid×3 d,口服通便药,糖尿病患者围术期血糖控制在7~11 mmol/L,并发高血压的患者术前血压稳定于收缩压160mmHg、舒张压90mmHg以下[2]。

    1.2 手术方法

    连续硬膜外麻醉,患者取膀胱截石位,使用Olmpus等离子双极汽化电切系统及摄像监视电视系统 ......
